about me

My name is Kendyl Leuck and I’m a 26-year-old professional living in New York City. I started out in the men’s fashion sales world and transitioned into uniform marketing out of college. From there I jumped shipped to Pharma advertising. I’ve always been a go-getter and the type of girl to go out and work for what I want.


I’m from a sweet little town in California called Santa Cruz. I lived a short bike ride from the beach and every now and then would pedal down to sit on the sand with a glass of wine. That’s where my love for wine began. Then, four years ago I visited New York and knew this was the place I need to be. The first friend I made in New York suggested we start a wine tasting group and of course that’s what we ended up doing. Since then I’ve hosted a series of wine tasting parties. Once a month my friends and I gather together and enjoy a new wine tasting experiences. We decide the type of wine for the month and all participants have to buy a bottle of wine ($20 or less) and bring it to the party. We then observe, swirl, smell, and taste.

My next adventure is passing the WSET 2. I’m embarking on an 8-week course and at the end will take the exam. My hopes are to better my wine knowledge tasting skills. Wine excites me. In addition to soon being that girl that can identify the best wine on a restaurant wine list, I’ll also have a strong background and understanding of taste, production, and history. I love wine and I’m looking forward to sharing that love with the world.

My hope with this blog is to share an array of tasting posts. I want to break down my wine tastings so that anyone can understand and create unique opinions as well. In the end, I want to help everyone discover a love for wine as well.


❤ Kendyl

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Informative and creative web site! I’m looking up WSET as I type and where I might like to study!

    1. Kendyl Leuck says:

      That’s wonderful! I studied at IWC in NY and am taking my level 3 through Fine Vintage. Both are great programs!

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